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Bees at Work

Solutions For DDD Group Homes 

Every business needs staff, training for staff, insurance, compliance strategies, and some businesses need a management solution, and more! 


To relieve the mental burden on busy business owners, we offer solutions and recommendations for some of the most commonly asked questions on operating a DD Group Home! 

Compliance Support

We recommend DDGH Compliance

DDGH Compliance serves businesses in the DDD industry by regularly auditing and providing support to businesses to maintain their compliance with regulations in the industry.
Their team has over 20 years of experience in the industry and are happy to offer their expertise to support your business to remain in compliance with ever changing requirements in DD Group Homes. 

Laptop and Paperwork

Management Support

DD Innovative Management Solutions

DD Innovative Management Solutions (DDIMS) serves businesses in the DDD industry by providing management support by ensuring agencies have all required documentation, meetings, appointments and more for members, staff, and management.


The DDIMS team has over 20 years of experience in the industry, and have worked in all aspects of Group Homes. Let the DDIMS team do the heavy lifting so you can focus on ensuring your members get the best care possible.  

Business Meeting

Training Support

We recommend Bee The Example 

For Worker Bees LLC offers a BEE the EXAMPLE program, which is a "hands off"  staff and management training, to companies that do not have their own training team.


We train your staff to BEE the EXAMPLE, so your staff are a replica of what you want your business to stand for.

Medical Staff

Staffing Support

We recommend  For Worker Bees HR

For Worker Bees HR staffing provides support to companies that need pre-screened staff that have the desire to work in their industries.


(Group Homes, Childcare, Home Based Business, Day Programs, Work Programs, etc.)  FWB HR offers Group Home Agencies staff from beginners to experienced. 

Friendly Meeting


We recommend Cassandra of For Worker Bees

Cassandra offers full renovation services for group homes, and any other business needing a makeover. 


Whether it be just a few light fixtures, a door removal and installation, or a whole hose renovation, Cassandra has the experience to get it done!


Payroll Solutions

We recommend Pacific Payroll Services

Whether you have one employee, or hundreds of employees; Pacific Payroll Services is a custom payroll solution that operates with your specific business needs in mind. Connect with them for a free consultation and learn more about how their services can benefit you!

Business Meeting

Insurance Solutions

Reach out for insurance recommendations for DDD Group Homes

Every business needs insurance. We recommend Ideal Insurance Agency for DD group homes.  They provide great service and ensures all of business liability needs are covered with comprehensive policies designed for DDD Group Home businesses 

Vertical File Cabinet

Website Design

Reach out for cost effective Website Design recommendations for DDD Group Homes.

DD Group Homes should have websites in order to attract clients, staff, and maintain credibility in the industry.

Your website should include information and photo examples of the type of home(s) and decoration you will use for a Group Home, as well as information about the owner's experience, management, quality assurance, and staff training. 

Online News Reading

Digitization Services

Reach out for Digitization recommendations for DDD Group Homes

In DD group Homes, there is a LOT of paperwork. Reduce costs and time spent sifting through paper piles. Manage your business better with digital forms. From application packages, to daily and monthly member forms - with digital forms, you can manage the data and ensure your members have better care than ever before!

Digital Gadgets
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Consultations are $125 per hour

Thanks for reaching out! We will Contact you soon.

Have Questions?

We can help.

Check our FAQ for DDD Group Homes page,  Solutions for Businesses (non DDD Group Homes), FAQ (non DDD Group Homes) page, or Solutions for Businesses (DDD Group Homes). 

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